
Crystals Course

Original price was: £65.00.Current price is: £30.00.

This crystal course improves upon your prior knowledge of crystals and techniques.

You will learn about the human energy system, sacred geometry, choosing and cleansing crystals, and specific crystal healing techniques.

The course also covers how to use crystals for personal and spiritual development, including grounding, protection, meditation, and psychic development.

Finally, the course explains how to use the Law of Attraction with crystals to manifest goals. A crystal reference guide is included for healing and spiritual development.


VLE image CPDG

This course is designed to be taken as a stand alone course, or alongside Rejuvenating Hands face to face weekend course

Crystal have been used and have been around since the beginning of mankind’s existence. This ancient therapy works with the natural power of crystals and gemstones. Crystals are used worldwide and help us to restore our stressful lives. 

This introductory course will give you a basic understanding of crystals, their meaning and uses.

Crystals are a safe and non-invasive that can clearly be felt by the participants and has wonderful lasting benefits.

During the course you will cover the following topics:

  • History of crystals
  • What are crystals
  • Choosing, storing, cleansing and energising crystals
  • Recommendations for a basic set of crystals
  • Chakra balancing using crystals

Taking the course will enable you to download, as you progress, a comprehensive manual for reference.

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CPDG Debbie Cordory

Debs Cordery

I am passionate about passing on my knowledge and understanding of holistic therapies as they have helped me through difficult periods in my life. They have allowed me to turn my life around and free myself to realise my full potential. My company, Rejuvenating Hands, was born in 2009 after I had experienced the benefits of these wonderful therapies. Having developed a successful holistic practice which includes treatments and training courses, I am now able to help others to learn about holistic therapies and to move forward in their own lives. 

I live on the Essex coast with my long-suffering husband, Paul, and my lovely Jack Russels, Mutley, Coco, Mable & Bob. I am a mum to Becky and grandma to Eva, Teddy, and Noa. I am lucky enough to be able to balance my business life with my family, and both parts of my life are amazing.

Ever since I can remember, I have loved ‘stones’, picking them up from the beach by the bucket. My poor Mum would help me sift through them to take just the best ones home. In April 2012, I passed a six-month crystal course with Lisa Ireson, then in June 2013, I passed my Crystal masters Teacher course with Philip Permutt. Since then, I have continued to learn from the wonderful Stacey Vermaak from Spirit Planet.

Practicing Reiki on a daily basis has really helped with my stress levels. My lineage is close to Mikao Usui, and I teach from a manual that is true to its origins of Japanese Reiki. I hope that what I have to share sparks a passion that inspires you to continue to learn and enhance your own life with the knowledge you have gained. I studied Reiki with Sally Morris from the teachings of Hawayo Takata in March 2009 and completed my level 2 in August 2009. I went on to study the Usui Reiki Ryoho with Mark Barwell in November 2009, completing levels 1, 2, and achieving the master level in June 2010. I am a member of the UK Reiki Federation, and my courses have been verified and approved by them.

I started to train with EFT after I had the treatment myself. EFT is a painless and relaxing method of healing which can help to boost your Confidence and Self-esteem. I passed my level 3 advanced EFT training in January 2012. I then, in January 2014, went on to pass my training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, and Timeline therapy.

You will receive certificate upon successfully completing the course.

We send you a hard copy by post, and an e-certificate electronically for your files.

The course is typically gained over  1 – 2 days, depending on your mode of study and your pace as a learner. You can also take as long as you need.

Certificate Crystal Course Level 1

This qualification is a good starting point for people who want to become

The course is practical and helpful for beginners and experienced people alike

You don’t need formal qualifications to join the course, but you should be able to read and write at a basic level.

The course will be assessed through a combination of practical assignments and a written self evaluation report.

The Crystal Diploma Course explores how to use your intuition or a pendulum to choose a crystal, methods to cleanse and charge it, and how to attune yourself to and program a crystal. You’ll also be introduced to crystals that you may wish to add to your collection and the qualities of each.

Sacred geometry describes our understanding of universal patterns found all around us. There is power in sacred geometry that can be used in crystal grids, which combine and focus the qualities of crystals so that their effects are amplified. From the course, you will discover more about sacred geometry and it’s use in crystal grids. You’ll learn about the components of crystal grids, so that you may create your own, including the kinds of stones and crystals to use for specific goals, where to place them, how to set up a grid, the different methods of activation, and how long to keep a grid active for.

To help you choose the best crystals for a particular ailment, be it physical, mental/emotional or metaphysical/spiritual, the Foundation course on crystals  includes a comprehensive reference guide to crystals and their uses.

Specific crystal techniques are described, including:

  • Day-to-day – Small things you can do each day to balance energies.
  • Chakra – How to detect blockages, choose crystals.
  • Aura healing – How to cleanse, heal and strengthen the aura.
  • Distance healing – How to project healing energy to those who are far away.

In addition, crystals can also be used for spiritual development. This course covers how to ground and protect yourself with crystals, and the importance of doing so, and how to use crystals to aid meditation and spiritual awakening. You’ll discover how crystals can help in connecting to higher realms, and aid in psychic development and in accessing Divine guidance. To assist you in choosing crystals for spiritual development, a reference guide is included.

Used in conjunction with the Law of Attraction, crystals can be used to help us manifest our desires and realise our goals. The foundation course on crystals explains the Law of Attraction – what it is, the steps involved, how crystals can be used to complement the practice, how to use crystal grids to ramp up the manifestation process, and how each chakra can help support this. A reference guide to the crystals that will help towards various goals is also included.

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