Tuina – Treating Sports Injuries

Welcome to our exciting course that has been specifically designed to provide you with in-depth knowledge of Tuina Chinese Massage, and its application in treating sports injuries and acute and chronic pain.

Our goal is to introduce you to a range of highly effective techniques that are sure to take your skills to the next level. Through comprehensive and hands-on teaching, you’ll learn the art of Tuina Massage, and understand how it can be used to treat sports-related injuries and acute and chronic pain.

We’re proud to say that our teaching is grounded in the most current academic literature and research, providing you with a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

This practical CPD day, aims to enhance your knowledge and skillset, helping you improve clinical outcomes for your clients, expand your TCM skills, explore the psycho-emotional and practitioner development issues related to chronic pain and sports injuries, and develop and enhance your Qi. Join us today to take your career to new heights!

It's valid for

Hours CPD

Its a level

0 +

post graduation course

It costs

Per person
£ 0

Venue Location

May 9th 2024 (Thursday)

Shepherds House, Collingwood Street, Guys Hospital, London SE1 1UL


This course has now finished

On this course you will learn a number of Tuina massage techniques, and the actions of these techniques on the body.

You will develop new treatment strategies to help patients, and learn the relative strengths and weaknesses of them.

Importantly you will cover the contraindications and red flags for treating acute and chronic sports injuries and learn when to refer patients on to others.

You will develop an improved understanding of sports injuries in relation to the both the TCM and Western medical models, learn to effectively use Tuina to treat these conditions, and learn to formulate new more integrated treatment plans.

This course has been specifically designed for professional bodyworkers who have sound massage skills (any particular style), a keen interest in developing and improving their clinical skills, and a desire to learn new techniques to assess and treat, acute, sub-acute and and chronic sports injuries and their related problems.

  • Massage therapists
  • Acupuncturists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Osteopaths
  • Chiropractors, etc.

Some knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine is useful but not necessary.

Yes, you will be formatively assessed throughout the course, your tutors , Chris and Paul, will provide you with observed, assessed, constructive correction, feedback and instruction.

You will receive a CPD certificate recognised by your professional asscoaition valid for 7 hours CPD.

We send you a hard copy by post, and an e-certificate electronically for your files.

The course is face to face and runs over 1-day.

Tuina for sports injuries CPD certificate

Chris’ passion for Chinese medicine stems from over 20 year’s participation in Chinese martial arts and his own positive experiences of acupuncture when Western medicine had failed. Throughout his martial arts he has used many sports injury and fighting liniments, and has a fascination with the design and use of them. He produces all of his own liniments which he uses in his clinics …read more

Paul practices Acupuncture, Tuina, remedial therapeutic massage, Qi gong and dietary therapy in Longfield, Kent. He has a practice in Kent, is a first aid instructor and set up and runs the New Ash Green Rugby Club treatment centre, a unique multi-disciplinary, multi-bed unit, treating male and female senior and junior sports players. He graduated in massage in 1993 and in acupuncture in 1997, achieved his PGCE in 2002, and his Masters in education in 2012… read more

Before you attend

  • Refreshments and lunch sadly are not provided.
  • As participants you will be working in pairs throughout the day and treatment couches will be provided.
  • Treatments are undertaken through clothing, not directly on the skin, with this in mind, participants are reminded to wear loose comfortable clothing for the day.
  • This is a very hands on practical day where you will be encouraged to work with each other in developing your new practical techniques.
  • You will need to bring a pen or pencil, we will be providing everything else; full colour course notes, all of the training equipment etc.
  • All participants must be prepared to give and receive treatments during the training, and a must be over 18 years old.
  • If you are fasting for religious or other reasons you must inform the tutor before the course commences.
  • As a participant you must have a sound working knowledge of massage, any particular style.
  • Due to the practical hands on nature of the course the minimum number of participants is 6.
  • This course may not suitable for women who are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant.
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