CPDG removal of needles

Removal of needles

Needling Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login Shortest distance – shortest time! Place the sharps bin on the floor next to the patient, on the side you’re removing the needles from. Stand beside the patient with three cotton buds in one of your hands, and hold this hand behind your back. With the other […]

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CPDG before needling

Before needling

Needling Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login At the start of each clinical session, you should check your treatment area, and remove any unnecessary equipment. Your treatment area should be made as safe and private as possible, within the restrictions of the clinic’s location. It’s important to prepare the equipment you intend to use

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CPDG therapeutic alliance

Confidentiality and respect

Practitioner development Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login Confidentiality Maintaining confidentiality and treating patients with respect, is of the utmost importance in your clinical setting. In order to maintain patient privacy, it is crucial for you to take necessary steps to keep personal and medical information confidential, and not to disclose any information to

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CPDG therapeutic alliance

The therapeutic alliance

Practitioner development Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login The therapeutic relationship, also known as the helping alliance, therapeutic alliance, and working alliance, is a crucial aspect of healthcare. At its core, it denotes the connection between a healthcare professional and their patient. This bond is not limited to the exchange of medical information. It

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CPDG caution to needling

General cautions to needling

Clinical issues Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login There are a number of health conditions where you should be cautious when needling. Pregnancy – Generally start by using point Kidney and Shenmen only. Epilepsy – Generally use only one point at a time and increase the number used as the patients’ tolerance allows. Haemophilia

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CPDG Equipment

Equipment in clinic

Clinic health and safety Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login You should undertake regular and routine checks on your equipment, to ensure that it’s fully functional and safe for use. Before each clinical session, it’s important to; Prepare the equipment. Ensure needle packs remain sealed until required. Check your adjunctive equipment. Check your cleanfield

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CPDG 3 touch zones

The 4 touch zones

Practitioner development Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login Proxemics The anthropologist Edward T. Hall developed the theory of proxemics, which explores how people use and perceive space in various social and cultural contexts. He coined this word in the early 1960s. Proxemics is the amount of space people prefer to have when engaging in

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CPDG consent

Consent – Implied and direct

Practitioner development Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login The only absolute contraindication to any acupuncture treatment is the LACK OF CONSENT. Before administering any treatments, you must first obtain informed consent. This should be done both verbally and in writing for every individual session. The four types of consent are: Direct consent Implied consent

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CPDG vagus nerve theory

Vagus nerve theory

Theories of ear acupuncture Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login Doctor Nogier believed that the relationship between auricular acupuncture and the areas of the body, is due to the vagus nerve, and the autonomic nervous system. The superficial branch of the vagus nerve innovates to the superior and inferior concha in the ear. The

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CPDG delta refelx theory

Delta reflex theory

Theories of ear acupuncture Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login Postulated by the Korean-American Doctor M.H. Cho in the 1970’s. He observed that a temperature change in the body, leads to a temperature change in the ear. A temperature change in the ear, leads to a temperature change in the body. Delta reflex theory

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CPDG unwanted clinical effects

Unwanted clinical effects

Clinical issues Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login People are affected in a myriad of ways when they receive acupuncture, some respond relatively slowly and other respond in a much more immediate manner. If clients are going to have an adverse reaction to the treatment, they will generally respond in 3 ways, and on

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CPDG meridian theory

Meridian theory

Theories of ear acupuncture Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login The meridian theory, is an extension of the Chinese Acupuncture theory of the Jing Luo system, and the theory of the fundamental substances. These are Qi, or energy, Xue or blood, and JinYe or body fluids: The miraculous pivot of Huang Di Nei Jing,

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CPDG ear acupuncture integrating it into your practice

Inverted foetus theory

Theories of ear acupuncture Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login Doctor Nogier had devised the map of an inverted foetus, by noting its resemblance to the ear, and this map is the most widely used reference for diagnosing and treating auricular disease Developed by Dr. Paul Nogier in the 1950’s, he proposed that dysfunction

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ear lymph

The Lymphatics

Anatomy Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login There are 3 main lymphatic vessels in the ear. Anteriorly – the pre auricular lymph nodes. Posteriorly – the retro auricular lymph nodes. Inferiorly – the infra auricular lymph nodes. Listen here Copyright © [hfe_current_year] [hfe_site_title] | Powered by Qi, Xue and Jin Ye Cross fertilising disciplines

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Ear arteries and veins CPDG

The blood supply

Anatomy Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login Arteries Arising from the carotid artery, and anterior to the ear, is the superficial temporal artery, this feeds the anterior auricular and posterior auricular arteries. Veins Anterior to the ear, is the superficial temporal vein, this is fed from the anterior auricular and posterior auricular veins. Listen

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Ear nerves picture

The Nerves

Anatomy Home VLE Courses Freesources CPDG Shop The Great Auricular Nerve of the Cervical Plexus supplies the descending helix and the lobe. The Auricular Temporal Nerve of the Trigeminal Nerve supplies the ascending helix, as far as the Darwin’s tubercle, the triangular fossa, the scapha, the anti-tragus and the anti-helix including the wall of the

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CPDG acu detox

The Pinna

Anatomy Home VLE Courses Freesources CPDG Shop The Pinna, Auricle, or Ear, just as any other part of the body, is composed of a variety of anatomical structures. These structures must be known to accurately locate, and use, ear acupuncture points. Helix – the prominent rim of the auricle. Tragus – a small curved flap

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The CNHC and PSA


History of ear acupuncture Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login In 2011, there was a significant milestone as microsystems acupuncture, became a recognised profession, under the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. The CNHC is a prestigious council that acknowledges and regulates complementary therapists in the UK, assuring quality and safety for the public. The

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CPDG giving blood

Giving blood and acupuncture

Clinic health and safety Home VLE Courses Freesources Registration / Login If you are a National Health Service staff member, on National Health Service premises, (this includes GP surgeries), or you are a state registrered healthcare practitioner, your patient will be allowed to donate blood. See here to find out more; https://my.blood.co.uk/your-account/eligibility/health/article/?id=a05&title=Acupuncture If you are

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