Shiatsu for Accupuncture practitioners
Course overview / structure
This is a 1-day course for Acupuncturists, Tuina and TCM trained students and practitioners, and introduces participants to new practical skills that are used in the therapy of Shiatsu.
It has been specifically designed to teach practitioners simple and effective bodywork techniques and sequences to help treat upper back, shoulder and neck dysfunctions and problems.
What will I learn
You will learn how to use acu-point and channel stretching for therapeutic effect, a defined integrated Shiatsu treatment for backs, neck, and shoulder problems, be introduced to \”3 family Shiatsu\” and learn how to integrate shiatsu bodywork into a TCM routine.
You will learn how to integrate the use of both acupuncture channels and Acu-points therapeutically, and will learn the principles that underpin working with channel stretching and acu-point pressure. You will taught how to integrate these new techniques into your own current practice.
By the end of the 1-day session you should be able to integrate and use safely and effectively a Shiatsu based treatment for conditions of the upper back, shoulders and neck, developed further your understanding in the use of acupressure and channel stretching, and been introduced to the principles of \”Three Family Shiatsu\”.
References to available scientific evidence underpinning the use of Shiatsu as a therapeutic intervention, and references to current research and literature will be made throughout the course and provided notes.
How many hours CPD / course times
The day will run from 9.00 to 5.00 so is valid for 7 hours CPD
Who is the course for / attendance requirement
All participants must have a sound working knowledge of the channel meridian systems used in Traditional Chinese / Asian Medicine, and the 12 ZangFu organ systems. The course is suitable for final year and fully qualified Acupuncture / Tuina and other TCM trained masseurs.
Is the course assessed / qualification
Assessment is undertaken on a continuous basis by the tutor throughout the day as the course is a hands on practical course. as participants you will be working in pairs throughout the day and treatment couches will be provided. Treatments are undertaken through clothing, not direct with the skin, with this in mind, participants are reminded to wear loose comfortable clothing for the day.
Other information / NOTE / you will be supplied with…
If participants think they may be pregnant they must inform the tutor prior to the day.
All participants must be prepared to give and receive treatments during the training, and a must be over 18 years old.
Participants who may be fasting for religious other reasons must inform the tutor before the course commences.
All participants must have read, understood and returned to the CPD group the confidentiality, consent and screening documents prior to working with each other.