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Taping for injury prevention, treatment
and for active Sports players
Friday June 1st – 9.00 am to 17.00 pm – 7 Hours CPD
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About the course
Sports – taping for active sports players – how to tape using ZO and Kinesio tape
A new taping workshop that will cover the main elements and applications of taping and strapping in team sports; including zinc wrapping the ankle, elbow and shoulder, and EAB taping for the wrists and knees.
This workshop is perfect for anyone working with sports teams (especially contact sports like rugby) who want to increase their knowledge and speed when taping for recovery, before games and for training.[/cs_text][x_share title=\”Share this Amazing CPD event with your colleagues\” share_title=\”Taping for injury prevention, treatment and for active Sports players an amazing CPD event, check it out…\” facebook=\”true\” twitter=\”true\” google_plus=\”true\” linkedin=\”true\” pinterest=\”false\” reddit=\”true\” email=\”false\” email_subject=\”Hey, thought you might enjoy this! Check it out when you have a chance:\”][/cs_column][cs_column fade=\”false\” fade_animation=\”in\” fade_animation_offset=\”45px\” fade_duration=\”750\” type=\”1/3\” style=\”padding: 0px;\”][x_raw_content]
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On this practical one day course you will learn ;
- Different taping products including zinc oxide and kinesiology tape
- Revision of the anatomical structures on the areas covered.
- A number of taping techniques to support injured or compromised joints.
- How to speedily apply a number of taping techniques to the wrist, shoulder, knee and ankle to support players and clients with injuries.
- Athletic Taping for support and limiting movement
- Kinesiology Taping for Support and Pain Relief
- Fascial Taping for Posture
- Contraindications, (health and safety, hygiene)
- Acute injury management
- Management of specific conditions
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=\”Can I attend?\” open=\”false\”]
The course has been uniquely devised for practising and final year therapists of all disciplines who hold professional insurances that will cover them for the use of massage and taping within their scope of practice, and who have an interest in developing and enhancing their clinical skills.
- Masseurs
- Sports therapists
- Acupuncturists (BAcC, BMAS, ATCMA etc.).
- Osteopaths (Dry needling).
- Chiropractors (Dry needling).
- Physiotherapists (AACP).
- Etc.
The only pre-requisite for this course is a working knowledge of human anatomy, and an open mind.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=\”Before you attend\” open=\”false\”]
- Refreshments and lunch sadly are not provided.
- You will need to bring a pen or pencil, we will be providing everything else; full colour course notes, all of the training equipment etc.
- You will be formatively assessed throughout the course by the tutor, with them providing you with constructive feedback and instruction.
- All participants must be prepared to give and receive treatments during the training, and a must be over 18 years old.
- If you are fasting for religious or other reasons you must inform the tutor before the course commences.
- Due to the practical hands on nature of the course the minimum number of participants is 6.
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Great Maze Pond
Guys Hospital Campus
London Bridge
SE1 9RT[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][x_google_map api_key=\” AIzaSyAPT_0JbW2oRaEr6vTNia101uh4oSA61oI \” lat=\”51.503701\” lng=\”-0.089007\” zoom=\”15\” zoom_control=\”true\” drag=\”true\” height=\”\” hue=\”#e1e1f1\” no_container=\”true\” ][x_google_map_marker lat=\”51.503641\” lng=\”-0.088953\” start_open=\”true\” info=\”\” image=\”\”][/x_google_map][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=\”true\” marginless_columns=\”false\” style=\”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;\”][cs_column fade=\”false\” fade_animation=\”in\” fade_animation_offset=\”45px\” fade_duration=\”750\” type=\”1/1\” style=\”padding: 0px;\”][x_share title=\”Share this Amazing CPD event with your colleagues\” share_title=\”Taping for injury prevention, treatment and for active Sports players an amazing CPD event, check it out…\” facebook=\”true\” twitter=\”true\” google_plus=\”true\” linkedin=\”true\” pinterest=\”false\” reddit=\”true\” email=\”false\” email_subject=\”Hey, thought you might enjoy this! Check it out when you have a chance:\”][cs_text class=\”cs-ta-left\”]
Tutor – Marjolijn Visser
[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=\”true\” marginless_columns=\”false\” style=\”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;\”][cs_column fade=\”false\” fade_animation=\”in\” fade_animation_offset=\”45px\” fade_duration=\”750\” type=\”1/5\” style=\”padding: 0px;\”][x_image type=\”none\” src=\”https://thecpdgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Marjoliijn-Visser.png\” alt=\”Marjolijn Visser\” link=\”true\” href=\”https://thecpdgroup.com/2017/02/02/marjolijn-visser/\” title=\”Marjolijn Visser\” target=\”blank\” info=\”none\” info_place=\”right\” info_trigger=\”hover\” info_content=\”\”][/cs_column][cs_column bg_color=\”hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.63)\” fade=\”false\” fade_animation=\”in\” fade_animation_offset=\”45px\” fade_duration=\”750\” type=\”4/5\” style=\”padding: 10px 50px 0px;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;border-color: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.2);\”][cs_text id=\”https://thecpdgroup.com/2017/02/02/marjolijn-visser/\”]Marjolijn qualified as a physiotherapist in Amsterdam, Holland, and then moved to Spain to work as a private physiotherapist in Barcelona, and was the team physiotherapist for the national Spanish ladies hockey team.
After moving to England in the 1990s and after raising a family, she enrolled at the University of Westminster… read more